The new normal. Fostering innovation while maintaining profitability and safety

Because of the COVID-19 global pan­demic, the global trade and the whole shipping industry is adapting actual operational processes, business rules and ICT tools.

Algeciras Port Authority is a good example of an entity which is continuously looking for innovative solutions which will enable nations to resume business and reopen their economies without assuming health risks, and carrying out their duties in the safest and most performing possible way.

In collaboration with the technologi­cal partner Prodevelop, the Algeciras Port Authority has been working on the development of a Port Collabora­tive Decision Making product (Posidonia PortCDM) that aims to optimize Port Calls through the promotion of a common un­derstanding and data sharing among all parties involved to improve operational coordination and to make the maritime supply chain greener due to a reduction of fuel consumption and unnecessary waiting times.

The partnership between the Algeciras Port Authority and Prodevelop is a real ex­ample that demonstrates how it is possible to optimize and improve the overall per­formance of the Port Community without making a major investment in new and ex­pensive infrastructure which is not always affordable for all.

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The new normal. Fostering innovation while maintaining profitability and safety

Because of the COVID-19 global pan­demic, the global trade and the whole shipping industry is adapting actual operational processes, business rules and ICT tools.

Algeciras Port Authority is a good example of an entity which is continuously looking for innovative solutions which will enable nations to resume business and reopen their economies without assuming health risks, and carrying out their duties in the safest and most performing possible way.

In collaboration with the technologi­cal partner Prodevelop, the Algeciras Port Authority has been working on the development of a Port Collabora­tive Decision Making product (Posidonia PortCDM) that aims to optimize Port Calls through the promotion of a common un­derstanding and data sharing among all parties involved to improve operational coordination and to make the maritime supply chain greener due to a reduction of fuel consumption and unnecessary waiting times.

The partnership between the Algeciras Port Authority and Prodevelop is a real ex­ample that demonstrates how it is possible to optimize and improve the overall per­formance of the Port Community without making a major investment in new and ex­pensive infrastructure which is not always affordable for all.

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This innovation portal is an initiative of APBA to reinforce an innovative culture and the development of an open innovation ecosystem in order to guarantee the future competitiveness of Algeciras Port.

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