Gartner Research: The Culture Hacking Roadmap


Culture hacking takes change off the horizon and inserts it into employees’ day-to-day life in a visceral, immediate, low-effort way. CIOs can follow a six-step process to kick off or reignite change and embed culture hacking in an overall culture change effort. The first step of any culture change, whether it involves hacking or not, is to know what you want to be when you grow up and why (Define the North Star).

In this article, Gartner considers the Algeciras Port Authority is an organization that has clearly defined its North Star. Algeciras Port has decided to differentiate offering an excellent quality of service based on completeness (full service port), reliability (visibility and predictability) and efficiency (no idle time) at a competitive price. It will be achieved by consolidating 1) an efficient operational coordination within the port community, 2) a seamless end-to-end port integration along the logistics chain and 3) a systematic innovation culture. In the case of the Port of Algeciras, the “why” of the transformation is that reducing the time it takes to move ships through the port is a key competitive need and expected by their clients. IT can deliver technology that promotes the visibility, predictability and efficiency that their clients value.

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