PSA Singapore launches the creation of the PSA Living-lab for the co-creation of innovations in the field of logistic-port operations

The PSA Singapore Corporation, one of the largest terminal operators at the international level, with the support of the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Port-Maritime Authority of Singapore (MPA) have created a «Living Lab» to improve the efficiency of operations in the terminals of the Port of Singapore.

The PSA Living-Lab laboratory will allow start-up companies and developers of new technological solutions to collaborate with PSA in the development of ideas and new products, construction of prototypes and in the elaboration of pilot tests in container terminals of PSA in the Port of Singapore, an unprecedented testing environment in one of the largest container hubs in the world.

This initiative is part of the Port of Singapore Innovation Program that aims to optimize the operations of its existing terminals as well as the future terminal Tuas Terminal. On the other hand, this initiative aims to support the PSA UnboXed Incubator Program, which aims to revolutionize operations at container terminals (CP4.0 concept) and increase the efficiency of operations throughout the year. of the logistics chain, providing greater visibility and security.

For more information about the business incubator program «PSA unboXed» access:

27 marzo, 2018

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