Innovation Projects ABP2020


What is Algeciras BrainPort 2020?

The programme Algeciras BrainPort 2020 (ABP2020) is conceived as the vehicular axis for the strategy for digitization and innovation at Algeciras Port Authority, which covers the portfolio of innovation and technological projects.




Which projects of innovation have been carried out?

Below you can discover our innovation projects and download the summary report from the first phase of ABP2020 programme.


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[button url=»/en/category/projects/previous-projects/» class=»» bg=»» hover_bg=»» size=»14px» color=»» radius=»0px» width=»0px» height=»0px» target=»_self»]See Previous Projects [/button]

[button url=»» class=»» bg=»» hover_bg=»» size=»0px» color=»» radius=»0px» width=»0px» height=»0px» target=»_blank»] Report Phase I[/button]


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[button url=»/en/category/projects/ongoing-projects/» class=»» bg=»» hover_bg=»» size=»14px» color=»» radius=»0px» width=»0px» height=»0px» target=»_self»] See Ongoing Projects [/button]


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Este Portal de Innovación es una iniciativa de la APBA para potenciar una cultura innovadora y promover el desarrollo de un ecosistema de Innovación, con el fin de garantizar la competitividad futura del Puerto Bahía de Algeciras

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This innovation portal is an initiative of APBA to reinforce an innovative culture and the development of an open innovation ecosystem in order to guarantee the future competitiveness of Algeciras Port.

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Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras 2017 ©