El Puerto de Algeciras presente en la Jornada Smart Port organizada por Telefónica en El Cubo de Sevilla

La Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras participó el pasado mes de febrero en la Jornada Smart Port organizada por Telefónica y que tuvo lugar en el espacio de crowdworking El Cubo, ubicado en el Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la Cartuja en Sevilla.

Durante el transcurso de la jornada, además de conocer las soluciones más avanzadas que ofrece Telefónica en el ámbito de los puertos inteligentes y conectados, la delegación de la APBA tuvo la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano su aceleradora de startups tecnológicas y la metodología de trabajo personalizada que utiliza para la mentorización y seguimiento de los emprendedores que está impulsando en el centro sevillano.

Por último, la visita sirvió también a la APBA para conocer alguna de las start-ups allí alojadas actualmente y que disponen de soluciones innovadoras aplicables al sector logístico-portuario.

Destacar también que la delegación de la APBA aprovechó la visita a la capital sevillana para participar en el foro “Puertos inteligentes: Motor de la sostenibilidad, el bienestar y la economía andaluza”, organizado por el Grupo Joly y que reunió a la mayor parte del sector portuario y tecnológico andaluz con el objetivo de dar a conocer los últimos avances que se están realizando en los diferentes puertos en los ámbitos de la tecnología y la innovación.

27 mayo, 2020

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The Port of Algeciras takes part in the Smart Port Conference organised by Telefónica at The Cube in Sevilla.

APBA attended the Smart Port Conference organised by Telefónica in February 2020 at the crowd-working space The Cube, located in the Cartuja Science and Technology Park in Sevilla.

Over the course of the conference, in addition to being informed about the most advanced solutions offered by Telefónica in relation to smart and connected ports, APBA’s delegated team had the opportunity to learn at first-hand about their technology start-up accelerator and customised working method to mentor and monitor entrepreneurs within The Cube.

APBA was also given the opportunity to learn about some of their current start-ups, some of which have innovative solutions that could be applied to port logistics. To make the most of their visit, APBA also took part in the forum “Smart Ports: Driving forces for sustainability, well-being and economic growth in Andalucía”. It was organised by Joly Group and it brought together most of the port and technology industry stakeholders in the region, with the aim to inform them about the latest technology, innovation and sustainability-related upgrades for ports.

Chairmans of Algeciras (APBA), Sevilla, Cádiz, Motril and Huelva, the Director of Public Administrations and Southern Companies at Telefónica, and the regional Head of Digital Business at Telefónica attended the meeting. Project «Ports 4.0″ was referred to on multiple occasions – a capital fund based on a corporate open innovation model implemented by Spanish ports to attract, support and realise the application of talent and entrepreneurship to logistics. Gerardo Landaluce, Chairman of APBA, mentioned said project, as well as “the major investment being made (25 million euros and other 35 million in the next few years) so that digital transformation is strengthened as an element of day-to-day operations at the Port of Algeciras.»

8 junio, 2021

0 respuestas en "The Port of Algeciras takes part in the Smart Port Conference organised by Telefónica at The Cube in Sevilla."

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This innovation portal is an initiative of APBA to reinforce an innovative culture and the development of an open innovation ecosystem in order to guarantee the future competitiveness of Algeciras Port.

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