Cooperation on intermodal standards vital for supply chain efficiency

Currently the need for supply chain visibility is rising, even more when intermodal transport takes place or shipments are consolidated. Even though efforts have been made in particular modes of transportation, there is the lack of a wider approach, and therefore the requirement to address the subject from an end-to-end perspective, involving the several means and modes of transport.

Some constraints and inefficiencies have already been determined, which could be solved by correlating the shipment to the equipment or transport mean, applying unique sets of identification parameters or even subsets of information when exchanges occur.

Latest technological developments have permitted new standards for communication and interface technology implementation. However, it is strongly believed that cooperation, adoption and interoperability represent the backbone for visibility and supply chain enhancement, through data-driven decisions.

“Supply chains today can no longer meet the heightened expectations of Sellers and Buyers when it comes to detailed tracking of the current location and condition of their goods.”

The main inputs and contributions are:

  • A comprehensive and inclusive approach needs to be made to grant access to every stakeholder and mode of transport, following a single set of standards.
  • Multi-modal supply chains should not just be based on one only identifier. Multi-modal supply chains require multi-identifications to cover the shipment, the transport mean, the packages, the movement of the transport mean, etc.
  • Linking the shipment to the equipment or transport mean will provide better traceability. Nowadays, specific steps in the supply chain count with a high level of accuracy, for instance vessels’ position, which could enhance the supply chain’s visibility.
  • During intermodal transport, cross-referenced key data elements must be used to capture and pass the information easily to other stakeholders in the transaction.
  • Current developments are focusing as well on IT systems for interoperability.
  • International organisations and sector-focused standards groups are developing new standards for communciation, interoperability and operational processes. Nevertheless, stakeholders collaboration and inclusion remains crucial to narrow the gap and obtain a wider adoption.

“Any authorized stakeholder to the transaction should be able to access the same data in near-real time.”

In case of implementing this kind of solutions the expected benefits will be:

  • Transparency, traceability and visibility through the supply chain, regardless the cargo shipped, nor the mode of transport used.
  • Interoperability and accessibility across every stakeholder involved in an end-to-end shipment.
  • An information-sharing network, internationally agreed and recognized IT communications for stakeholders to subscribe to.
  • New standards initiatives will help facilitate and enhance future international trade, where shipments and goods will encounter les barriers.
  • Improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain, in which data-driven decisions can be made, from reliable and trustworthy near-real time data.

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15 diciembre, 2020

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Cooperation on intermodal standards vital for supply chain efficiency

Currently the need for supply chain visibility is rising, even more when intermodal transport takes place or shipments are consolidated. Even though efforts have been made in particular modes of transportation, there is the lack of a wider approach, and therefore the requirement to address the subject from an end-to-end perspective, involving the several means and modes of transport.

Some constraints and inefficiencies have already been determined, which could be solved by correlating the shipment to the equipment or transport mean, applying unique sets of identification parameters or even subsets of information when exchanges occur.

Latest technological developments have permitted new standards for communication and interface technology implementation. However, it is strongly believed that cooperation, adoption and interoperability represent the backbone for visibility and supply chain enhancement, through data-driven decisions.

“Supply chains today can no longer meet the heightened expectations of Sellers and Buyers when it comes to detailed tracking of the current location and condition of their goods.”

The main inputs and contributions are:

  • A comprehensive and inclusive approach needs to be made to grant access to every stakeholder and mode of transport, following a single set of standards.
  • Multi-modal supply chains should not just be based on one only identifier. Multi-modal supply chains require multi-identifications to cover the shipment, the transport mean, the packages, the movement of the transport mean, etc.
  • Linking the shipment to the equipment or transport mean will provide better traceability. Nowadays, specific steps in the supply chain count with a high level of accuracy, for instance vessels’ position, which could enhance the supply chain’s visibility.
  • During intermodal transport, cross-referenced key data elements must be used to capture and pass the information easily to other stakeholders in the transaction.
  • Current developments are focusing as well on IT systems for interoperability.
  • International organisations and sector-focused standards groups are developing new standards for communciation, interoperability and operational processes. Nevertheless, stakeholders collaboration and inclusion remains crucial to narrow the gap and obtain a wider adoption.

“Any authorized stakeholder to the transaction should be able to access the same data in near-real time.”

In case of implementing this kind of solutions the expected benefits will be:

  • Transparency, traceability and visibility through the supply chain, regardless the cargo shipped, nor the mode of transport used.
  • Interoperability and accessibility across every stakeholder involved in an end-to-end shipment.
  • An information-sharing network, internationally agreed and recognized IT communications for stakeholders to subscribe to.
  • New standards initiatives will help facilitate and enhance future international trade, where shipments and goods will encounter les barriers.
  • Improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain, in which data-driven decisions can be made, from reliable and trustworthy near-real time data.

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15 diciembre, 2020

0 respuestas en "Cooperation on intermodal standards vital for supply chain efficiency"

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