The Algeciras Port Authority have launched the second edition of the Innovation Competition “Travesía de la Innovación”.
This new edition, sponsored by the APBA, is addressed to all those employees of Algeciras Port Authority as well as external agents who would like to join the initiative with innovative ideas that respond to the different challenges. The final target is to improve the competitiveness of Algeciras Port and create value for its users and customers.
Each candidate shall submit his ideas through the Innovation Portal before the end of December 15th, 2019 (included). The proposals (ideas or initiatives) must fit into one of the following challenges:
- How to improve the passenger and truck driver experience at Algeciras Port?
- New business models based on data and analytics, IoT and collaborative platforms for achieving the operational excellence at Algeciras Port.
- The progressive decarbonization of Algeciras Port and the reduction of the environmental impact in the port-city interface.
- How to transform the daily work at the Port Authority?
The current call is divided into two categories:
- Best innovative idea proposed by the employees of the APBA
- Best innovative idea proposed by an external agent to the APBA.
In addition, the idea that receives the greatest support through the voting system of the idea’s open platform will receive a special recognition.
The ideas will be evaluated by a Board constituted for that purpose and formed by members of the Innovation Committee and the Technical Office of Innovation of the APBA. The Board will evaluate the ideas according to its attractiveness, feasibility, impact and popularity.
The prizes are:
- An electric bicycle or similar and a diploma for both the winners of each category and for the most popular idea.
- Development of the idea in collaboration with the proponent and other external entities (Best internal initiative).
- Optional economic aid up to 15,000€ for the co-development of a prototype or PMV of the proposed idea (Best external initiative).
- Publication / dissemination of the awarded ideas.
You can find more detail and information in the Innovation Awards section.
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