Algeciras Port cooperates with the International Taskforce – Port Call Optimization

The taskforce “Port Call Optimization” is a consortium formed by Shell, Maersk, MSC, CMA-CGM and the Ports of Algeciras, Busan, Goteborg, Houston, Rotterdam, Singapore and Ningbo Zhoushan together with the international associations IHMA, UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and GS1. It should be mentioned that this international initiative is also supported by IALAIHOBIMCOOCIMF, IMO and UK P&I.

A high priority for the working group is placed on the ability for vessels and the various port agencies to communicate using clear and authoritative definitions for the various terms used daily on port operations. Thus, the aim of the working group is to establish a set form of communication details, global data definitions and formats to share data as regards to port information, master and event and to improve quality and availability of data which will help to optimize port logistics operations and improve port safety and security. Examples of standardized definitions and events data and port information are related to the depth, tidal information, VHF usage, arrival and departure times (ETA, ATA, ETD, ATD, PTA, PTD) or nautical services times such as pilot on board, tug stand by or first line secured.

For deeper information about the standardization proposal and expected benefits to shipping lines, service providers and/or terminals could be found in the following video:

In addition, a singular use case at port-level is described in Pit Stop Operations for Algeciras Port. 

27 marzo, 2018

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