Digital twin technology to improve port operations. Port of Rotterdam Roadmap and use-case

Port of Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port by cargo tonnage, is committed to becoming the first digital port by 2030, and the smartest port in the world. Part of that journey is their digital transformation initiative and the main aim is to be prepared to host autonomous ships by 2030.

The digitization strategy is a multi-year project using various technologies and services from some of the world’s largest technology firms including IBM, Cisco, Axians and many others.

Through this collaborative effort, the Port of Rotterdam will create a digital twin of the port, an exact digital replica of their operations that will mirror all resources at the port, tracking ship movements, infrastructure, weather, geographical and water depth data with 100% accuracy.

The digital replica will help Port of Rotterdam test out scenarios and better understand how they can improve efficiencies across their operations, while maintaining strict safety standards.

“The Port of Rotterdam is committed to digitization in order to make the port, and the supply chain, more efficient”

The main inputs and contributions are:

  • It is a challenge to store multifarious dynamic data in a cloud platform in an unambiguous, safe and accessible way. Via IoT, the Port Authority can collect this real-time data in the cloud, process it and make it accessible to all interested parties via various filters.
  • They are starting to use IoT sensors, Augmented Intelligence (AI) and smart weather data, orchestrated by IBM and other partners to measure things like the availability of berths and other vital statistics.
  • With a new digital dashboard that makes operations visible with 100% accuracy, they will be able to view the operations of all parties at the same time and increase volume and efficiency of shipped goods that pass through the port. 
  • The port even has “Digital Dolphins”, smart quay walls and sensor-equipped buoys that support ship-to-ship cargo transfer and generate time-stamped data about their status and direct environment.

In case of implementing this kind of solutions the expected benefits will be:

  • By using the new digital dashboard, shipping companies and the port may save up to one hour in berthing time, which can result in significant savings for ship operators, and enables the port to dock more ships each day.
  • Using artificial intelligence to analyze all the data collected, it’s possible to predict more accurately what the best time is to moor and depart by identifying the most favourable conditions. This reduces waiting times and costs.
  • “Digital Dolphins” will provide insights into the condition and utilization of a berthing terminal and the surrounding water and weather conditions, enabling port operators to identify the optimal time for ships to dock, and where and when they can do so.
  • In addition to controlling autonomous vessels, IoT data can also be used for other applications, such as predictive maintenance.

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16 noviembre, 2020

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Digital twin technology to improve port operations. Port of Rotterdam Roadmap and use-case

Port of Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port by cargo tonnage, is committed to becoming the first digital port by 2030, and the smartest port in the world. Part of that journey is their digital transformation initiative and the main aim is to be prepared to host autonomous ships by 2030.

The digitization strategy is a multi-year project using various technologies and services from some of the world’s largest technology firms including IBM, Cisco, Axians and many others.

Through this collaborative effort, the Port of Rotterdam will create a digital twin of the port, an exact digital replica of their operations that will mirror all resources at the port, tracking ship movements, infrastructure, weather, geographical and water depth data with 100% accuracy.

The digital replica will help Port of Rotterdam test out scenarios and better understand how they can improve efficiencies across their operations, while maintaining strict safety standards.

“The Port of Rotterdam is committed to digitization in order to make the port, and the supply chain, more efficient”

The main inputs and contributions are:

  • It is a challenge to store multifarious dynamic data in a cloud platform in an unambiguous, safe and accessible way. Via IoT, the Port Authority can collect this real-time data in the cloud, process it and make it accessible to all interested parties via various filters.
  • They are starting to use IoT sensors, Augmented Intelligence (AI) and smart weather data, orchestrated by IBM and other partners to measure things like the availability of berths and other vital statistics.
  • With a new digital dashboard that makes operations visible with 100% accuracy, they will be able to view the operations of all parties at the same time and increase volume and efficiency of shipped goods that pass through the port. 
  • The port even has “Digital Dolphins”, smart quay walls and sensor-equipped buoys that support ship-to-ship cargo transfer and generate time-stamped data about their status and direct environment.

In case of implementing this kind of solutions the expected benefits will be:

  • By using the new digital dashboard, shipping companies and the port may save up to one hour in berthing time, which can result in significant savings for ship operators, and enables the port to dock more ships each day.
  • Using artificial intelligence to analyze all the data collected, it’s possible to predict more accurately what the best time is to moor and depart by identifying the most favourable conditions. This reduces waiting times and costs.
  • “Digital Dolphins” will provide insights into the condition and utilization of a berthing terminal and the surrounding water and weather conditions, enabling port operators to identify the optimal time for ships to dock, and where and when they can do so.
  • In addition to controlling autonomous vessels, IoT data can also be used for other applications, such as predictive maintenance.

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16 noviembre, 2020

0 respuestas en "Digital twin technology to improve port operations. Port of Rotterdam Roadmap and use-case"

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