The Competitive Dialogue for the development of a predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations at Algeciras Port was launched

On March 5, 2018, the Competitive Dialogue procedure started, according to the announcement of the tender and the publication of the Descriptive Document of the innovation project «Advanced and predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations» for the Port of Algeciras”.

The abovementioned document contains, on one hand, the functional needs, the objectives and the scope of the project (after a preliminary consultation to the market during 2017) and, on the other hand, the requirements and the selection criteria for choosing (5) participants (potential bidders) to the final Competitive Dialogue. The general procedure and the documentation to be submitted (time limit set at 2pm on April 26, 2018) are also detailed in the Descriptive Document.

Additional information can be found throughout the corresponding documents and announcement in the BOE. The general details of the tender are also available in the Procurement Platform of the Algeciras Port Authority.

27 marzo, 2018

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